Do You Punish Your Children?


Disciplined children are real blessing! But nowadays we often find undisciplined children everywhere. This is a matter of pain and sorrow for parents. What is the way to teach discipline to children? How can we make them disciplined? Here are some suggestions, which can serve as answers for the oft-repeated questions of parents.

Don’t beat and punish your children to discipline them 

At least some parents use harsh punishments to teach discipline. According to a saint, that way of disciplining is wrong. 

Punish if necessary, but never do it publicly

Sometimes parents may have to punish their children to make them understand the seriousness of the mistake. But that punishment should never be done in the presence of others. Do it privately. 

Try your best to avoid punishment

It is easy to punish. But it is very difficult to remain temperate when you are enraged. Most parents punish their children out of anger, to give vent to their emotion, and never to make their children better. So, try not to punish your children as far as possible.

Don’t be angry

Don’t get angry when your children make mistakes. Instead, be compassionate to them.

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