Effects of Comparison


Do you desire to be happy? One of the factors that is stopping you from being happy is comparison. We always compare ourselves with others. This leads you to depression and inferiority complex which ends up in a dull and moody mind and life.

‘Oh she is so beautiful’ ‘What a fit body is his’ ‘He has such a costly dress!’ How many sighs like these are we carrying all our way.

The saddest part of this is that most of us do not realize our actual worth and rate ourselves very low. 

Thereby we fail in finding happiness. And this inferiority complex leads us into darkness.
Apart from that we may also face humiliation when people compare us with others. ‘See how he does things. Why can’t you be like him’ is something we hear often.

Comparisons can even be a reason for breaking good relationships. People often do not  realize  their blessings. They keep comparing with their neighbours which ultimately bring nothing but hatred. After losing everything, a sense of loss starts to rule them.

‘It’s only me, who doesn’t have that’… These kinds of thoughts are the gifts that you gain from comparison. This can never give you peace, joy or satisfaction. Hence if you desire to stay happy in life, you will have to forgo all kinds of comparisons. 

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