
Lives of married couples are often hectic and stressful. Their lives are caught up in the hectic maze of office, home and children. Couples, who are entangled in the spider web of busy schedules, hardly get any time to spend together.

In most contemporary families, husband and wife are working people. In the mornings, they rush to the office and in the evenings, they return home tired. They scarcely get time to sit together leisurely and express love to each other. Gradually, their love relationship becomes tepid and devoid of passion. Here are some valuable tips for couples who are going through such situations.

Both husband and wife should try to make use of the time they spend together qualitatively. Instead of finding fault with each other, try to encourage each other and to find good in each other.
Some family counsellors opine that mornings decide the day of every couple. If you begin a day well, its ripples will remain the whole day. If a husband sets out to his office after quarrelling with his wife, that bitterness will affect everything he does on that day. He will return home with the same grudge as well. Consequently the whole day will be negative.

So, there are certain things each couple should do every morning. When you get up in the morning, make a decision: ‘I will make this day beautiful and I will use all my capabilities for it.’
Greet each other with these words: “Good morning!”, “Have a nice day” etc. Give a hug to your spouse. Hug your spouse warmly so as it will remain for the whole day. Send text messages to your spouse expressing your love and care for her during the free time in the office. If that day is special for your spouse, send related messages. For example, think that your spouse has gone for a job interview or is taking part in an official meeting. Send messages fitting to the occasion.

When you return home from work, assess yourself. What is my present feeling? Am I nervous? Am I happy? Am I peaceful and relaxed? Am I angry with anyone? Your response after reaching home will be according to your emotion. So, first keep your negative emotions outside your home before entering and talking with your spouse. Find out what approach do you expect from your spouse. It is certain that your spouse will not expect anything bad from you. So, make a decision that you are not going to respond to your spouse badly.  

Today, many people find happiness by spending time on social media. The number of couples, who live in the virtual world and do not want to talk to each other and spend time together, is on the increase. The  moment they reach home, they enter the world of smartphones. This unfortunate practice plays a vital role in destroying marital relationships. Hence, give a break to your smartphone and television and find time to talk with each other.

It is beneficial that the children watch how their parents are expressing their mutual love and talking with each other. Give chance to the children to share their classroom experiences and other things during this family time.

Being together for more hours does not ensure happiness in a family. Remember that most divorces were reported during the beginning of the lockdown period. So, it is not about being together for more time. What the couples must do is to ensure the time they spend together is qualitative and happy.  

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