It’s easy to say that love exists, but proving it is the real challenge. Love often falters when tested in the name of love itself. True love is realized in the moments when it is neither spoken nor explicitly revealed. However, many people lack the ability to recognize the love others have for them. They neither understand that they are loved nor feel the awareness of being loved.
Consider the relationship between a mother and her child. The child doesn’t comprehend the mother’s love through elaborate words or expressions. Yet, somehow, the child instinctively recognizes that every interaction, word, and action of the mother embodies love.
When a baby cries at the sight of a stranger but calms down upon seeing its mother, it’s because the baby feels an unparalleled sense of security in the mother’s love. Moreover, the mother’s love is filled with sacrifice, dedication, and sincerity. Have you ever thought about why a mother’s love is so often celebrated? It’s because her love is selfless and sacrificial. For a mother, her priority is not her comfort or well-being-it is her child. The sleepless nights and tireless efforts without distinction between day and night elevate the greatness of a mother’s love.
This principle applies to all forms of love in relationships. Love that lacks sacrifice is not true love, whether it is in marriage, friendship, or any other bond. The scars you bear for loving others are what prove that your love was genuine. If love is expressed without sacrifice, compassion, or sincerity, and merely for personal convenience or pleasure, then such emotion should be called something other than love.
Love is not a cheap transaction; it is a covenant that demands a price. The more you love, the more you grow. When you are unable to love, you begin to wither.