Make Meditation A Habit


Studies have proved that daily meditation is beneficial for the body and mind. Meditation can relieve stress, improve concentration, reduce hypertension and heal depression. There are various kinds of meditation techniques. Whatever be the meditation technique you are practicing, the benefits they offer are the same.

A study conducted by Harvard Medical School states thus: Meditation that calms the mind increases concentration and helps to take up various tasks. 17 people participated in this meditation program, which lasted for eight weeks. Those who practiced meditation were observed to have improved their capability to study and memorize and control their emotions.

Carnegie University also conducted a similar study, which arrived at similar conclusions. This study also found out that those who practice meditation are better able to concentrate and make decisions.

Each meditation gives us the opportunity to discover and evaluate ourselves. It enhances our self-esteem. Meditation also leads us to self-awareness. You will realize your ‘self’ and your capabilities. These realizations will free you from various inferiority feelings and anxieties. Research conducted by Stanford University, which made a study on 14 people with anxiety issues, states that these people were much relieved from anxiety after doing meditation.

Meditation helps us to relax. It reduces the level of cortisol, a stress hormone. Many people have testified that they were relieved from stress after doing meditation.

Another advantage of meditation is that it delivers you from depression. Meditation is an effective remedy for sleep disorders, lack of appetite, mood issues and so on. Meditation helps the alcohol-addicts to get rid of it.   

In life, we have to face many kinds of physical pain. For example, Post-surgery pain. Meditation is a good pain reliever after such surgeries.

Meditation helps a person to be more compassionate and loving. It enables one to be kinder to oneself and others. This is because they are able to realize their own limitations and shortcomings through meditation. So, they can sympathize with others as well.   

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