Six Rules For A Successful Married Life


Can you make your married life successful just by obeying six rules? Do not doubt! Ryan Stephen, a Blogger, husband and father, assures that if you are ready to follow these rules, your family life will be successful. He started his blog for families in 2016 and his blog became popular in a very short time. Recently, he tweeted six rules for a successful married life and it instantly became a viral hit. His tweet was retweeted 9,000 times in a couple of days.

Here are the rules put forward by Ryan: You should never say ill of your life partner You should never say the negatives of your life partner to your friends even for fun. There are many wives in the world who speak ill of their husbands. There are also many husbands who slander their wives. Whatever be the situation, never speak ill of your spouse to others.

Communication must be effective

No one can accurately read the mind of the other person. Many issues arise between couples because they wrongly understand the words uttered and heard. If you find the words of your life partner unclear, request for a clear explanation and solve it. A double check is essential in what you say and hear. The idea must be clarified just the way you double check the answer paper in an examination.

Engage in new things together

One of the spouses might be an adventure enthusiast. Do not hesitate to support his/her adventure spirit. Come out of your comfort zone and join with the other. It is like mutually supporting in everything.

Celebrate success together and encourage each other

Never belittle your partner. Nor should you feel jealous of your spouse. Support him/her in sorrows and share the joys. Do work-outs and kitchen chores together.

Be thankful to each other

Be it in the matter of jobs or carrying out the household responsibilities, be thankful to each other. Don’t feel reluctant to express your gratitude. Perhaps, your spouse might have suffered a lot to help you reach the position you are enjoying now. He/she might have encouraged you to reach there. It is not enough to keep your gratitude in your mind; you need to thank him/her.

Believe in each other and respect mutually

The couple must believe in each other. They must also respect each other, especially in front of others. It is important to express your mutual respect and faith in front of your children. If you frequently belittle your life-partner in front of others, who will respect him or her? 

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