There Is a Possibility In The Impossible


We have all heard about Christopher Columbus – the greatest explorer the world has ever known. But did Columbus achieve such a feat and carve his place in history effortlessly? Not at all. Let me share an incident from his life.

Columbus wished to discover a shorter route to the West Indies. However, everyone believed it was impractical. They questioned why time and money should be wasted on something impossible. He faced numerous objections and opposition. Yet, none of this made him waver from his decision. He firmly believed that he could achieve it and took the initiative to bring his idea to life. And he succeeded.

Similarly, it was a widely accepted belief at the time that the earth was flat. But Columbus challenged that notion too. Most people have ordinary thoughts and ideas. Rarely, a few individuals possess extraordinary ideas and dreams.

When we share an idea or a dream, others may not necessarily have the same confidence or hope as we do. As a result, they often try to dissuade us by highlighting the negatives and pointing out our limitations. When we give up our dreams and goals midway due to their discouragement, we are doing an injustice to ourselves.

A person with confidence and faith in his abilities never abandons an effort or dismisses a dream simply because it seems impossible. There will always be people to discourage and dissuade, but there may not even be a single person to encourage and support you.

True pride and joy come when we turn the impossible into reality. Even when others declare something impossible, never forget that there is still a possibility hidden within that impossibility. Keep striving, and don’t let the discouraging words of others dampen your spirit. Never stop your efforts.

Wish you all success
Prof  Antoney P Joseph
Managing Director

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