
A personality is not complete with one or two elements. Every life is multi-dimensional. One will have a great personality only when all the elements work together in right proportion. Let us see which those elements are:


The importance that we attach to our health and body plays a key role in this. Only a healthy body will have a healthy mind. Use your body creatively. Exercise plays a vital part. Sleep is another important factor. Some studies say that we need to sleep from 6-10 hours at night. Skipping sleep can adversely affect your stamina and immune system. A good sleep will ensure good health. Eating habits are equally important as well. You must eat food rich in nutrients. Get out of bad habits and practice cleanliness.


If you neglect your body, your body will neglect you as well. The same is the case with mind also. So, keep your mind creative and sharp. Reading books, ideating new concepts, studying etc. will energize your mind. Reading and study are exercises for your mind. If you maintain a reading habit and keep your mind alive, you can prevent dementia.  Puzzles and problem solving activities can also help you to energize your brain.  Listening to online talks are also good for mind.


We also need to attain maturity on emotional level. For this, first of all you need to have self-awareness. It is an awareness of how we react to a particular situation. Self- regulation is also equally important. We should be able to channelize our responses positively. Capability to empathize is another important factor. We should be able to empathize with others. We should have Social Skills as well. It consists in the healthy response towards the feelings of others. Maintaining composure of mind through practicing meditation is a sign of maturity. We should be able to forgive our past mistakes. We might repeat our past mistakes tomorrow also, but we should be able to forgive ourselves and learn from mistakes. Pursuing emotions impetuously and thoughtlessly can lead us to danger. So we need to put a rein on our emotions. Practice stress management to reduce your daily stress.


Healthy relationships can make you a good person. Keep in touch with your family members and friends. Improve your communication. Good and bad relationships depend upon your communication. You will fail in your life if you do not know how to communicate your thoughts and emotions properly. Always try to enter into relationship with new people each day. But always remember that quality is more important than quantity. We should also know how to use social media wisely.


You should decide in advance what kind of job you want. You should also examine if you have all the resources required for that job. Your innate talents are crucial in this regard. Discover your capabilities as well as your limitations. This will help you to become an owner of excellent personality.


Being spiritual does not mean to be a part of any religion. It means to have a profound understanding of the meaning of life. Live your life in its fullness. Lead a life in communion with nature. Sometimes you need to spend your time in solitude-in prayer or meditation. Realize that life is good and lead your life with that awareness.

In short, the above mentioned factors help us to have a balanced personality. Find out your limitations and solve them to have a good personality.

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