
Whoever you are, whatever be your age, never sadden your mother. Neither should you let your mind get distant from your mother. Because, it is due to your mother you have reached here. She has spent many sleepless nights to help you reach where you are now. You should never forget your mother even when a new person comes into your life. Today, mothers of many people who are already grown up adults, are living in tears because of the negligence of their children. In some cases, mothers are not even allowed to intervene in the lives of their children. You are actually blessed when your mother is happy. So it is important to know how to make your mother happy.

Understand your mother and be thankful to her

Seeing your mother at home when you return from a journey is like seeing a sumptuous banquet when you come home hungry. We need to understand one thing, there is nobody in the world who understands our needs and considers us like our mother. When we understand this, we will realize how much we need to love our mother. Thank her for every little thing she is doing for you. Tell her how much you love her. She will be so happy to know that she is loved, respected and valued by her children.

Maintain good relationships with your siblings

Rift between siblings will definitely sadden their mother. It means that she is happy only when all the children she has given birth are living in peace and harmony. It is true that sometimes mothers will be fonder of certain children. But she is happy only when all of them live in mutual love. So reconcile with your siblings at the earliest and make your mother happy.

Love your father and respect him

Your mother will be happy when you respect and obey your father. It is the mother who suffers most when there is a rift between father and children. So, children are obliged to ensure the happiness of their mother by loving and respecting their father.

Keep in constant touch with your mother

Sometimes children will have to stay away from their mother due to the needs of education, job or marriage. Even in such situations, never forget your mother. Try to contact her over the phone every day. Visit her once a week or every month. Nurse her when she is sick. These acts will make her happy. There are certain children, who will listen only to their spouses after marriage. But you should remember one thing: Whoever may come into your life, your relationship with your mother should never diminish. Maintain your relationship with your mother until her death.

Pay heed to the counsels of your mother

Our mother knows our needs better than ourselves. Because, it is our mother who has seen us closely from our childhood. She knows what is needed for our good. Our mother advises us not only out of love, but also out of her experience. So always value her counsels and obey her. You should also take into consideration her ignorance of certain things. But even then, try to convince her without hurting her with your words.

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