
Rain is the most beautiful spectacle on earth. It is a grace of God. I believe that it is God’s grace that is pouring down in the form of rain. When it rains, a purification is happening. It cleanses the earth like a mother bathes her child. Have you looked at nature after a rain? How beautiful is that scene! Nature then would look as if all her impurities are purged. Thus, rain cleanses all the impurities of the earth. Rain, which starts its journey as a tiny stream, then transforms itself into a brook, rivulet, river, backwaters and finally merges in the sea. Then the water goes up in the form of vapour at the touch of the hot sun and then returns to earth in the form of purified rain. We realize the importance of rain only when we understand how essential water is for flora and fauna.

Flora, which stays withered by the hot sun, comes back to life only when it rains. With rain, the earth clads itself with greenery. Grasses sprout and grow. Plants sprout. Trees grow. Seeds that are sleeping beneath the soil, emerge with signs of life. Springs originate from mountains and hills. They grow into rivulets, brooks and rivers. It is rain that helps trees to grow and produce fruit. Every living being on earth including human beings owe to rain for their sustenance. Rain is a celebration for the world as a whole, including microorganisms.

We actually realize the value of rain only when we think about a situation where there is no rain. We have read about the situation in which there is no rain during the rainy season and its repercussions. Think about a situation in which there is no rain at all! According to the Bible, God sends the rain on the good and bad alike.

Every phenomenon on earth is mutually connected. Nothing can exist in isolation. Absence of one will affect the existence of another. When one is protected the other will also be secured. There will be rain only when mountains are protected. Only if it rains, farming will flourish. Hills, mountains and valleys play decisive roles in climatic changes. Flood in coastal areas can be brought under control by implementing water pockets. Rain water can be stored and used for farming. When agriculture flourishes, trade and industry will also thrive. So, agriculture has a vital role in human lives. Agriculture sector will perish in the absence of rain.

However rich you are, you need agricultural resources for sustenance. To cultivate them, you need rain and mountains. But, today we see many mountains and hills being demolished. Stones, rocks and mountains protect the earth just like our teeth and bones strengthen and give shape to our body. But, smitten by greed, man loots and destroys them. One of the major reasons for earthquakes is the unscientific way of rock mining.

There is nothing in this nature created by God that has no value at all. Everything has value in some or other way. It depends on how we deal with them. When we discover their worth and recognize the hand of God behind them, we will be entering into that realm of glory.  

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