
What are the general notion about a perfect life? A successful career, a loving family, healthy social relationships etc. But, just by having all these, will our life be meaningful? Life becomes meaningful not merely by having all these things. Many other factors contribute to the meaning of life. Let us see what they are.

One of the important things in life that gives it meaning is to share what we have with others. We need to share our time, wealth and talents with others. That means we should be willing to help others. The joy we experience when we help others wholeheartedly is inexplicable. Selfless sharing and acts of unconditional help give meaning to life. If we are helping others expecting something in return, we will be disappointed when we find that we are not helped in return. It will cause us to disparage other people and form a negative attitude towards life.

It is a blessing to be with those who think and speak positively. Their visions and perspective on life will influence us. On the other hand, contact with negative persons will cause us to lose the meaning and purpose of life.

Another way is to start a relationship with new people. Each person is different. Each person leaves a distinct mark on our lives. New people will provide us with new ideas and new perspectives. It will give us more zest and enthusiasm.

Always seek opportunities to display your talents. Those who do not get a chance to display their talents will always have a pessimistic attitude towards life. So, discover your talents and find out ways to display them.        

Find out what makes you happy. Try to do such creative things. Keep away from things that bore you. When you do things, do it with love and enthusiasm.  

Consider and love others in a better way. Do not be self-centered, but go out of yourself and act for the good of your family and the society.

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