
Here are some realizations about love that will help you to get rid of the wounds you bear in the name of love.

In the previous pages, we have read about some ways of expressing love without the medium of words. More than words, love is about certain interactions that can be experienced. But there is another side to this. If we approach love realistically – and it’s often not a pleasant thing – we can avoid many wounds that love has to suffer.

Love cannot be obtained at gun-point or by threats

It may be a fact that we love that person a lot. He or she will always be in our hearts. That person may be loved by you more than others. He/she will be remembered by you for the longest time. But we should not chase that person to gain his/her love. Don’t pester him/her repeating our pledges of love. It is called stalking. We should realize that love cannot be snatched from anyone and that love cannot be acquired by threats or tears.

No one can love us the way we want

One of the main accusations we make against another is that they do not reciprocate our love. We say that they do not know how to love, or they do not know how to express love, etc. Here we need to understand one thing: no one can love us the way we desire. Everyone has a distinct and unique way of expressing love. Even the love that we profess may not be the kind of love that the other person wants.

Unhealthy boundaries can lead to love losses

Maintaining healthy boundaries and mutual respect are the key reasons to ensure enduring love. No matter how dear someone is to you, there should be mutual respect. There should also be a healthy distance. Love losses occur when these key factors are absent.

You must value your own love

While you are in a relationship, you need to realize your worth and should have self-esteem. Relationships are about building each other up. It requires personal growth and the realization of being loved. A person who does not appreciate his own capacity to love will not be able to love the other with all his heart.

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