
Love is the most beautiful state in life in which you are in me and I am in you. If you have a place in my heart and I have an equal place in your heart, then we are in love.

Sometimes love is like digging a well. First love is like a hard time of continuous and strenuous digging. When we get deep, we find a spring spurting out. Then it will flow into a stream. It flows in abundance, from which we can fetch water, drink, and get drenched.

Love is like a seed that sprouts. Just as a seed buried in the soil sprouts in a favorable condition, love sprouts at the moment it finds favorable. Leaves come out, fruits grow, and they give shade to others. Leaves fall off, dry, and sprout again. Love is like the sun. It is like the rising sun. During the sunrise, the rays have no heat at all. Love is similar in nature. When two people are in love, how gentle are their interactions? But as love gets intimate, and when mutual freedom grows or even grows out of proportion, they will begin to scorch each other and hurt each other as if in the hot summer season. As time passes, just like boiling milk cools down when it is taken off the stove, so love cools down. Then love will become like the evening sun.

Every kind of love has ups and downs. There are distances and closeness. There are falls and hates. There are tears and dreams. Even love is boring when it is always the same and monotonous – same as an old melody with the same rhythm, and same tune!

Everyone has a unique style of loving. No matter how hard we try to correct them, just as some animals revert to their basic instincts when they are released after much training, they cannot be diverted from the unique ways of love. Instead of blaming them for it, just understand the characteristics of that love and adapt yourself to accept them. There are two benefits in accepting them as they are. They don’t have to be disappointed and we do not get hurt.

Some people do not need the aid of words to express their love. Their love is more palpable than words. Like the wind. Can you see the wind? The answer is ‘No.’ These people are like a warm and soothing wind when we are in the hot sun and full of sweat. They will not return until we have fully experienced their love.

Whenever I write about love, I think about you. I realize that all the lines of love that are composed and written have a soothing fragrance. Whenever I write about love, you come in and touch my heart like a breeze. We can never be the same again.

There are many formal walls between you and me. But I am comforted by the fact that I have not built a wall between us so that we can never come together. Because I believe that real love is a condition in which we cannot be separated from a person despite being distanced over and over in several ways. I will not dwell on the moral issues behind it. It is because I love you in such a way that my love cannot hurt you or anyone else. It is like some secret investments people make without the knowledge of others. My love for you is such a one.

I have loved many people before you. I have loved many people after you. I still love many people. But many times, I have hated and many times I have been in love. But it is you that I love. Why do I still love you like the never-ending waves of the sea and the unceasing rain?

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