If your purpose is success..


Success is a journey. It has no end. It is a never ending process. You don’t need to ask a person  about his current position because he is determined to succeed.  If you want to succeed you need to keep your goal intact. Don’t assess a person as a successful one only on the basis of his ultimate achievements. You should consider his efforts and possibilities too. There are some common traits for the successful ones and those who aspires for success.

 A winner will ever be a learner. He will learn new and new lessons from everywhere he travels. He will try to acquire new skills also.  It will help him to look into things from a different perspective. His affinity to knowledge prompts him to learn new things. 

He will be strong enough to accept failures. Suppose a person is starting a new business. In the beginning he may not get the expected profit. Moreover his business may incur huge loss. In such a situation some people may quit his business without studying the root cause of the failure. They are not ready to acknowledge the failures that come into the way of success. Some others may be willing to find out the real cause of failures and rectify the mistakes. When you are  determined to win do the efforts by anticipating the possibilities of failures and should be ready to accept them or else you may be forced to quit halfway through.

Nobody can win without meeting the challenges. When you encounter a challenge there are two possibilities-either you drop it or meet the challenge. Only a single person will be the winner of a race. All the participants know this fact and accept the challenge. Sometimes at the last moment a contestant who was far behind from others may gather momentum and become the winner of the race. This is the benefit of meeting the challenge. It opens the doors of success and failures.

The winner will honour relationships. Nobody can lead an isolated life. We need the help of others. Even while in the run for success some people may spend time to nourish cordial relationships. They won’t shy away from the helping hands.

Continuous effort, hard work and dedication are the other traits of winners. Day and night hard work alone may not ensure victory. 
A wise utilization of time often lead you to success. In the pursuit of winning don’t compromise your health and happiness.

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