
Majority of men do not give adequate attention to the important aspects of life such as health.This voluntary or involuntary carelessness can lead to grave prob- lems. Among these problems, cancer is in the front row. Early detection and treatment can cure most cancer cases. Men need to be more cautious about the symptoms of cancer.

Breast cancer

It is a general notion that only women get breast cancer. But, that is not true. Men can also get breast can- cer, even though that is uncommon. If you find fat accumulation in the breast,

occurrence of change in the breast, inward curling of the nipple, redden- ing of the nipple, scales in the nipple, discharge etc, consult your doctor im- mediately and get advice.

Changes in testicles

Changes in the size and weight of testicles, inflammation etc. can be symptoms of testicular cancer. This type of cancer mainly affects persons aged between 20 and 40.

Lingering pain

Body pain can be a symptom of various medical disorders. But, if the body pain is persisting or you have a discomfort pervading all through the body, you should consult a doctor and take appropriate treatment. Remem- ber one thing: all pains need not be due to cancer.

Inflammation in the throat

Difficulty to swallow food and throat pain can be due to infection. Sometimes, it could also be because of cancer. If the size of the throat grows unusually in the time of a month and there is gland inflammation, you must definitely consult a doctor.

Fever that lasts more than a week

Various types of fever occur these days. So, we need to be very cautious about fever. For cancers like leukemia, a week-long severe fever is a symptom. Especially if they read 103 degree Fahrenheit or more. It is important to diagnose the actual cause for the fever and give proper treatment.

Weight loss

If you happen to lose weight rapid- ly without any special effort from your part, you need to take care. Body con- tracts when the body generates cancer cells. If you have lost more than ten percent of your weight without diet or exercise, you should consult a doctor.

Stomach ache and depression

Stomach pain and depression are symptoms of pancreatic cancer. Al- though there is no clear explanation for how these are mutually related, pan- creatic cancer patients generally have these symptoms. Yellowish colour onthe skin is another symptom. Change of colour in faeces is yet another symp- tom that needs special attention.

Mental and physical fatigue

Fatigue is related to many illnesses. This symptom is seen among patients with blood cancer and stomach cancer.

Persistent cough

Persistent cough is a common symptom among patients with allergy, influenza and tuberculosis. If the cough persists for more than three weeks, you should pay special attention as it could be a symptom of cancer, especially if you have a habit of smoking.


Blood seen in faeces, urine and sali- va is a symptom of various types of can- cer. Blood in the urine can be a symp- tom of kidney cancer. Blood in saliva is a symptom of cancer in the mouth, while blood in the faeces is a symptom of colon cancer. Be careful when you have bleeding in any of these parts of the body.

Some urinary problems

Do you feel like urinating frequent- ly? Do you feel that you have not urinat- ed enough even after urinating? Is your urine pressure low? These are some of the problems faced by men as they get older. But, these also can be symptoms of prostate cancer.


Indigestion is a symptom generally found in throat cancer and stomach cancer.

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