A Genius Who Never Changed His Clothes Even While Bathing


Geniuses have amazed the world not only with their prowess but also with their extraordinary characteristics. These geniuses did many things that ordinary people do not do in their daily lives normally. It will be interesting to know about some of such geniuses and their weird habits.

Michelangelo is one of the most talented artists of all time. He left many immortal works for generations to behold and marvel. But he had very peculiar characteristics. Changing his clothes was something he never liked. Michelangelo did not remove his clothes even while bathing.

Winston Churchill was a person who liked to eat breakfast in bed. Sometimes he ate his breakfast when it was nearly 1 p.m. While eating like this, he insisted on one thing: His typewriter and secretary should be near his bed so that Churchill could dictate and the secretary could jot down whatever he said.

Many great people have compromised on sleep. People like Abdul Kalam used to sleep only four or five hours a day. These great people had tackled and tamed their bodies accordingly.

Morarji Desai, a former Prime Minister of India, was an advocate of urine therapy.

Charlie Chaplin’s jokes made the whole world laugh. Children also appeared in his films. But in real life, Chaplin was a person who did not like children very much.

Various geniuses have varied abnormalities. We can only say that every person has some characteristics that are known only to him. While abnormalities and weirdness of common people become a matter of condemnation and mockery, the unusual behaviors and styles of geniuses and prodigies become a subject of discussion.

But the greatest genius the world has ever seen, Albert Einstein, was a man who slept not less than ten hours every day. He also disliked wearing socks.

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