
Every man and every woman is in need of a hand to hold on to. While we hold someone’s hand, we are actually telling them that we are with them, do not worry etc.

Of late, a friend reminded me about an incident when I once kept my palm on his shoulder and said: ‘Let it go dear, don’t worry.’ It was when he was going through a tough phase of life. He added that none of his siblings or relatives consoled him the way I did, and that his eyes were moistened when I touched him.

Actually, I did not remember that incident. But, it remained so vividly in his memory. His words actually brought me great joy. At that moment, I felt happier than the moments of my worldly successes.

Perhaps, the words we say and the help we do may not be so big or significant. But, for the receiver it might be of immense value. Donating a few pennies into a large fundraising program for a noble cause will contribute to making it big eventually.

The solace experienced by the one, who realizes that he/she has a hand to hold on to, is immense. There can be times when we feel so lonely and isolated with no one to care for us. Externally, there would be many people around us. But in reality, we will be alone in the crowd. People who are going through chronic illnesses, financial struggles, misunderstandings and love failures are actually living an isolated life in some mountain tops. A slip would make them fall into the deep chasm surrounding. Such people will have life changing experiences if only a loving hand holds them!
Wedding ceremonies in most religions have a mutual holding of hands between the couple. It is a symbolic way of assuring that I will be with you all through life as a support and solace. But today, in the life of many couples, this assurance and vows are easily broken. Many spouses withdraw their hands from their partners and shun the hands of their spouses extended towards them.    

How many people will be there who can haughtily say that they can move ahead forever without holding anyone’s hands? Just think about the flight accident faced by M. A. Yusuff Ali, one of the prominent business tycoons in the world. When the accident left him wounded and isolated, it was a poor family that saved his life.

Who knows when we will get an opportunity to lend a helping hand to someone? It is easy to extend one’s hand; but it is hard to hold on to it. So, utilize every opportunity you get in your life to help someone.

Someone around you is waiting for you to extend a helping hand. We have to extend our hands for someone. There is love, friendship and solace in each act of holding hands. 
It is an invitation to life itself. It connects someone with life.

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