Anger: Self Prosecution For Others’ Faults


What is anger? Anger is the self prosecution for others’ fault. We become angry for the sake of others. Anger is our response when we do not like others’ deeds and  talk or when their behavior does not come to our expectation. When we become angry it may hurt and sadden others. But because of our anger we ourselves will have more loss and sadness. Anger will adversely affect our body and mind. Therefore controlling the anger is necessary for none other than us. 

When we are not angry we make our mind peaceful. Suppose you have any grudge or hatred for somebody out of any reason. Keeping in our mind that bad feeling we do our day to day activities. But occasionally the thought of that ill feeling may emerge powerfully. It will make us restless. To avoid such a situation what we can do is to apologize them unconditionally. The apology and tolerance are for the protection of our mind and it does not mean that what others have done is correct. Sometimes the anger is like a tool. However we should have the required skill in using that tool. Otherwise the tool may prove harmful to the bearer himself. It is necessary to know how, where and to what extent the tool is to be used. An angry person is like a cracker. We burst the crackers on certain occasions. We do not remain close to a cracker once it is ignited, instead keep a safe distance. Similarly do not be very close to an angry person. Just like crackers he/she may  prove deadly to us.

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