Are You Alone In A Crowd?


We have so many celebrations in life, like wedding parties, birthday parties, and so on. Even though you go there as an invitee, you may have felt isolated at least sometimes. To some extent, we ourselves are responsible for that.

Sometimes, we might have maintained a distance while we entered there. We might not have looked at anyone’s face. We might have looked away or might have stood there with eyes downcast, denying an opportunity for others to welcome us. Instead of walking in with downcast eyes, walk in confidently with a smile that signals that you are a person to be welcomed. They should feel that we are accessible and acceptable to others.

Think about how we behave at home or around loved ones. Try to behave in the same way with people you don’t know and with strangers. Think about the people, the place, the activities. The way we deal with them, the topics we talk about… such a rehearsal will calm us down. After that, apply this practice according to the situation. Then you will not feel out of place in a social gathering or group.

Then strangers will become familiar and amiable to you. Both of you will get a chance to connect. Send an invitation to others consciously. Then they will respond positively to it. Our nervous system has a special ability to detect what we expect.

Judge how well we treated them before blaming them for not treating you well. As I said earlier, in order to understand how welcoming a person is to us, we only need to look at their facial expressions, as well as the tone of their speech, handshakes, and incoming hugs that give the same signals.

We can understand whether we are welcomed or not by the look, voice, facial expression, and face of the other. A smile we get when we are in unfamiliar places can make us feel relaxed and secure. Make a conscious effort to create friendship waves. Then some waves of friendship will form around us.

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