Beware Of Online Game Traps


Schools have been closed in many parts of the world and children are left to themselves. Unlike yesteryears when children used to play outdoors, most children confine themselves in their room and play online games. But, we must be cautious when our children spend too much time on online games.

Unchecked online games are prone to destroy personal life and family life of a person. Today, there are many online games which help people residing in different parts of the world to play games together, communicate with each other and share their aptitudes. Some people use these loopholes to lure and trap girls. These people are called cyber criminals. They will use any means to trap girls, who are not willing to fall prey to them. As the first step, they will create nude images of the girl by morphing. Then they will threaten the girls using these morphed images and exploit them. Many people do not know that the female body is being targeted and exploited not only through WhatsApp and Facebook, but also through online games. So, parents must be cautious that their children do not fall into these traps.

Many people do not know that mobile apps are limited to specified age groups. Their producers have fixed the age limit for the users of these apps. These age limit rules are to be strictly followed. Parents should know what all games their children are playing and ensure that they do not fall prey to these traps. Even Facebook is meant for adults, not for children.

We cannot insist children not to use smart phones. Because, with the advent of Covid 19, children are accustomed with mobile phone use. At the same time, we must instruct and teach our children how to use smart phones properly and prudently. Parents must make sure to change the passwords of their smart phones time and again. Allow your child to use a smart phone only under your supervision and for a limited time. Link your phone and the phones of your children through google family link app. By these means, you will be able to reduce the abuse of smart phones by children.
Spend more time with your children and engage in entertainments with them. Listen to them. Reduce your use of smart phone before them. Do not invite your kids to watch the videos in your smart phones. These are some of the responsibilities of parents.

Also give to your children the freedom to open up to you in case they fell into some online traps through internet or smart phone.

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