
Recent studies reveal that the spirituality of parents can positively affect their children. Parents’ spirituality will immensely help to prevent their children from committing suicide, doing self-bruising etc. This finding was revealed by a recent study jointly conducted by New York State Psychiatric Institute and Columbia University. They studied three generations of families to arrive at this conclusion.

 Prof. Myrna Weissman opines that religion and spirituality are capable of providing inner strength to persons. Whatever be the religion you are following, the time you spend for prayer and at places of worship will surely reflect in your actions and behavior. The inner strength you derive from prayer will definitely influence the lives of your children and bring good changes in them. The parents and children who participated in the survey, say in unison that their religious faith has been greatly beneficial to them.

The study also reveals that the children who go to temples and churches and participate in the religious rituals have less suicidal tendency compared those who do not have religious faith or practices.
Studies also have revealed that spirituality has the power to strengthen marriage bonds. Praying together, visiting places of worship together and participating in religious rituals will definitely reinforce family ties. Praying together in the evenings, especially in Christian homes, can enhance the warmth of family relationships. This practice has been widely lauded.The studies conducted 
by the researchers of Texas University also testify that religious faith can benefit a person’s health and standard of living. Religious faith will ease your mental pressure and will make you tension-free. As a result, you will get good sleep. 

Certain studies also say that spiritual persons will have a long life.

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