Do the Difficult Things


Everyone prefers to do what is easy. However, true success lies not in doing what is easy or enjoyable but in doing what is challenging and unpleasant.

Think of an exam paper with options. We often choose the answers that seem easy and more likely to score marks. But in the test of life, you become a true winner not by opting for the easiest path but by tackling the hardest challenges. Achievements and victories feel truly fulfilling only when they are earned through effort and struggle.

Consider games like tug-of-war or kabaddi. Football is another example. These are all contests that involve fierce competition. In tug-of-war, when equally strong teams compete, the struggle is intense, inch by inch. This struggle is what makes victory sweet.

If there were no intense competition or passion in these games, neither side would feel pride or joy in winning. They might still receive a trophy or a winner’s announcement, but it wouldn’t hold the same value.

The same applies to life. Some people cheat, bribe, or take shortcuts to achieve success. They may get certificates or salaries, but these easy paths are also deceptive ones. When you look back, the only satisfying and proud moments will be those when you chose to face challenges head-on.

When given a new responsibility, duty, or task, it is not right to shy away from it. Undoubtedly, such responsibilities may come with many difficulties. You may have to face obstacles. But overcoming these difficulties to achieve success gives immense satisfaction, a feeling that is unparalleled.

That’s why motivational speakers often say:
“Throw your mind into what seems impossible first; your body will follow.”

Yes, be willing to take on difficult tasks. That’s where the true thrill of success lies.

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