Do You Feel Stress?


Every person one day or other feel stress in his life. People pass through various types of stress in different occasions. But one may not realize those difficulties as stress. There are some common symptoms of stress. Check whether you feel these symptoms continuously.


Do you feel headache  every day? It is a sign of severe stress.


Getting angry is quite natural. But if the anger is not under control and if you become angry for every silly thing it may be a symptom of stress. 

Continuous Ill health 

Some people fall sick in short intervals. Stress is the cause of all these small diseases. 


Oily skin and hormone variations are the cause of pimple. But at the same time don’t forget that stress also is a cause of pimple.

Change in Appetite, Digestion and Sex

These are the problems faced by people who are going through severe stress. They may feel a loss of interest in their  appetite  or sex or may feel fluctuations of interest in them. The digestive system of people who are in stress won’t function properly. Heartburn and acidity are related to stress. 

Life won’t be smooth for those with uncontrolled stress. So if you think your stress is out of control don’t hesitate to seek ways of alleviating it.

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