
If you do not have a serene and peaceful sleep at night, your day, starting from the dawn, will be dull and lacking in spirit. A peaceful sleep is essential for a person who engages in various activities during the day and goes to bed tired. But, owing to various reasons, there are several persons who are not able to have a good sleep at night.

A person must sleep for eight hours at night. But, if you fail to sleep that long in a particular situation occasionally, that is not going to harm you. What matters is a regular decrease of sleep-time.

But, today there also exists a different opinion. These people argue that one need not sleep for eight hours, but what is needed for the body is adequate ease and repose. They also say that one must sleep according to the volume of his daily activities and personal peculiarities. Body will wake up from sleep once it has got enough rest. Have you noted how long-trip drivers, who drive through the night, deal with sleep? The passengers will be asleep all through the night. But, the drivers usually halt their vehicle at the wayside and have only a 10 – 20 minutes of sleep. Then, they wash their faces and continue driving. His body has received enough rest by this short nap. He need not sleep for a longer time.

A good sleep has the power to give relaxation and health to the body and mind. A person who sleeps well will have good immunity. It will help him to enhance his heart’s health and to put a curb on obesity. So, now let us check what some of the effective ways for a good sleep are.

The ideal sleep-time is the time slot between 10 pm and 5.30 am. This may vary slightly from person to person. The new generation kids generally sleep late and wake up late. Try to sleep at a regular time every night. Make sure to have your supper one and a half hours before you go to sleep. Take food items that are easy to digest. Ensure that there is nothing in your bedroom that disturbs your sleep. Avoid a clock in your bedroom. A clock disturbs a peaceful sleep. It is better not to have a bed lamp in your bedroom. Having light in your bedroom, be it however small, will cause heart disease, diabetes etc. Avoid the light emitted by your smartphone as well. Stop or reduce the use of smart phones and computers half an hour before going to bed. Drink a glass of warm milk. Buffalo milk is the ideal one.

Do not make daytime-sleep a habit to compensate for the lack of sleep at night. Do not go to bed with a troubled mind. If you go to bed carrying with you the memories of that day’s events that disappointed you or made you sad, you will not be able to sleep peacefully. Make yoga, meditation, and prayer a habit to pacify your mind.

Likewise, do not sleep for more than nine hours at night. Some studies state that the death rate is high among those who sleep for nine hours or more. They also can get type 2 diabetes, paralysis, heart disease, depression, headache etc.

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