Health & Wellness

Are You An Overthinking Person?

Some people are overthinking persons. If someone asks them why they are thinking too much, they will not have a proper answer. Often, they...

The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is one of the most discussed diets in recent times. This is a diet that can help reduce the risk of...

Follow  The Joys Of Your Heart

How much do you live for yourself? How long do you travel for your inner happiness? How long do you follow the joys of...

Make Meditation A Habit

Studies have proved that daily meditation is beneficial for the body and mind. Meditation can relieve stress, improve concentration, reduce hypertension and heal depression....

Can you read the mind?

All of us including those who are averse to open up their mind do wish one thing- Reading others mind. Is there any method...

Criticism. Are you afraid of it?

Most of the people will bow down before criticism. Nobody likes the voice of resentment. But is it a thing to be afraid? No....

Train the mind to remain young

What is undergoing aging-mind or body? Aging of the body is quite natural. Every year age will increase and accordingly changes will happen to the...

This Is How To Help Your Loved Ones  Who Are Depressed

Depression can strike anyone at any time. A person can be depressed for many reasons. Don't think that having money or fame will keep...

Are You Troubled With Anxiety?  These Tips Will Help You

Anxiety and stress are the main villains in the lives of many people. They give rise to several problems. Excessive anxiety not only causes...

Is Every Forgetfulness Alzheimer’s?

Sometimes we forget to do certain things, forget to take keys, mobile or spectacles. But all such forgetfulness are not Alzheimer’s disease. However if...

How To Get Rid Of Loneliness?

Perhaps these statistics may shock you. One in four adults in the world suffer from bitter loneliness! It is normal for men and women...

Air Pollution can cause Diabetes

New studies reveal that air pollu- tion can cause Type 2 diabetes. One out of seven persons be- comes a diabetic due to air...
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