How To Tackle Job Pressure?


Job pressure is not exclusive to those who engage in a particular sort of work. But, some people who do certain kinds of work will have an increased job pressure, especially for marketing executives, who have to meet stiff targets.

Once I happened to meet an MBA graduate. That young man was working in the sales department of a prominent car manufacturing company in India. He was having a hard time in meeting his monthly targets. Even professional writers and those who engage in creative activities go through similar kinds of pressure as well. In short, every job has its own pressure in varied intensity. Nevertheless, we take note only the pressure pertaining to certain jobs.

A weekly off day is, in a way, an opportunity to recharge yourself.  Same is the case with other holidays. But, there are some jobs in which even off days and holidays are denied. Sincerity and joy in performing the duties are important things. If you are a person who is doing a job which you do not like, you can never find happiness in that job. Likewise, if you are not able to maintain a healthy relationship with other staff in your office, you will not be able to continue in that job. Friendships are always a support to us in all circumstances.

Try to finish your daily duties on the same day itself. Procrastination of duties will eventually become burdensome for you. Finishing the assigned jobs and leaving the office on time is equally important as reaching the office on time. But, certain managements maintain an erroneous notion that only those persons who stay back in the office even after the leaving time, are sincere to their jobs. If a person completes his tasks on time and leaves the office on time, that person should actually be congratulated. No individual life has to be enslaved to any establishment. Just as an employee needs a company, the company also needs the employee. It is a reciprocity. It is essential for the smooth functioning of any company.

You should not sacrifice your personal happiness for any company. There are many persons, who have given everything to the company only to be thrown out eventually like garbage. Hence, be loyal to the company for the money you earn; but at the same time, never sacrifice your personal happiness. Avail the permitted leaves. Make a trip along with your family. Engage in entertainment. If you are a workaholic, do not forget that you will not be able to work forever. If you want to find joy in your job, never forget your personal happiness.  

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