If It is So Everything will be Fine


Often we say ourselves that if it goes this way it won’t be right. Sometimes we also advise others that it won’t be fine if it goes this way. If life does not come the way you expect of it, it is not because life itself is faulty but we don’t know how to shape it in such a way. Just like adding the  ingredients in the apt quantity to make a food item tasty we have to add the apt quantity of the ingredients of life. Salt, sugar and other ingredients as well as  heat also matter here. Let us see how the life can be transformed well. 

Accept The Life In Its True Sense

If we accept the life partially or if we don’t take it in its entirety  we may always feel sorrow and frustration. Frustration resulting out of the thought of ill health, job loss, financial problems etc…all these are the realities of life. No doubt, those who were not destined to go through such harrowing experiences may not be able to realize the pain of it. But if we complain about the things we don’t have, we are not going to get it. If complaining is the method for getting something everybody would have adopted that.  The saying that  the crying child alone gets the milk is applicable only in the case of children. Therefore stop complaining and be ready to accept your life as it is. It may have drawbacks, falls, deficiencies etc. But accept it with its own meaning and depth. Try to conceive the life of reality as your life of expectation. Realize that those who are happy and those who succeeded in life too couldn’t get everything in their life. They also have incompleteness. Accept the life as it is. Then your  life will be fine.

Eat The Good

Mind and body are interconnected. Remember the saying a sound mind in a sound body. The food we eat also have a pivotal role in making us happy. The food we eat is one of the deciding factors of our character. Thos who eat nutritious food will have a happy mind and a sound body. Choose the food in such a way that it sustain our mood and fill us with happiness. 

Sleep Matters

If we don’t get enough sleep we don’t be energetic in the following day. Enough sleep is also a must for the happiness of mind. Good sleep will sustain the mood, will give concentration of the mind and enhances the memory power, peace of mind and thus ultimately increases the quality of life. Don’t abstain from sleep because of the hectic job schedule and don’t sleep while in duty. Try to ensure a sound sleep every day. It is essential for the quality of life. 

Exercise Is Not for Muscle Strength Alone

We know the notion that visiting the gym is for strengthening the muscles is wrong. Exercise is a means to energize the body as well as the mind alike. Through exercise stress will be reduced and endorfins will be formed. Through continuous exercise the strength of muscles will be strengthened. It will enhance the immunity power. Regular exercise will definitely improve the quality of life. 

Write Everyday

Writing is helpful for  personal growth,  sense of the self and correction. It does not mean that everybody should write literary work. Instead write down your day to day experiences, attitudes, observations etc. Find out whether you can improve or correct them and is there anything you can imbibe in your life. Arrange your life accordingly. Try to assess the day to day experiences and improve them. Find out time for reading. Reading of books should be made your daily routine. It will not only boost our knowledge but also give you so many experiences.

It will provoke our thoughts, will give insight to life. It will help us to approach the life positively. Reading will make our life enlightened.

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