Is Every Forgetfulness Alzheimer’s?


Sometimes we forget to do certain things, forget to take keys, mobile or spectacles. But all such forgetfulness are not Alzheimer’s disease. However if the tendency to forget things increases in middle age or in old age the chance of it to become Alzheimer’s cannot be ruled out. Taking certain medicines, depression and lack of sleep may lead to forgetfulness. In addition to these snorting, stroke, deficiency of nutrients, mental stress, anxiety etc. are the causes of forgetfulness. Vitamin B 12 is essential for brain cells. Deficiency of it will lead to infatuation or hallucination. Continuous use of sleeping pills, medicines for allergy, pain killers, medicines for cholesterol and diabetes etc. may boost forgetfulness. The chances for stroke in patients with forgetfulness is high. It is also found in persons who snort profusely.

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