Life is Good


I am thinking of committing suicide. What is your opinion? I got frightened at the question of my friend.

Starting a new business, seeking a new job, learning a new course..we can say our own opinion for a lot of things
like this. But how can you give your opinion on the plan of committing suicide? Can I trivialize the question or avoid him by saying that what nonsense are you talking? Can we find a person who never in his life thought of committing suicide? Can I encourage him to end his life? I was in a perplexed situation. The reasons which prompted him to think of suicide were many. From the death of dear ones to debt…from the disease he contracted recently to the fissures in his relationships.

Life partner, children, friends, siblings, work place ..pressure comes from several sources. There are so many reasons to commit suicide. All these reasons are justifiable for those who have taken a firm decision. But one thing is clear. Suicide is not a path taken by somebody out of the sheer love for it. It is a tunnel one reaches out of the despair that he couldn’t live a life he wished for. Nobody likes to die. If somebody finds solution to all his problems will he again opt for suicide? Suicide is a way to escape from problems. If everything comes on his way he will never think of the suicide. Because the thought of death itself is frightening. 

We know something about life. But we don’t know anything about death. Where does one go through death? What happens after death? Nobody knows. You may ask persons of any age. If he gets a bit care and consideration surely he will say that he is not fed up with his life.

If somebody commits suicide the only reason is that life does not go as he desires. Suppose everything happens as somebody, fame, health, people who are in queue to love him. In such a situation will anybody say that he would rather die because he likes death? Will he say that death is beautiful?  Will he say that he doesn’t want to live anymore?  No. Because our      love for the life and the earth is so deep. 

We cannot say that life is always beautiful. Sometimes it may become ugly too. Just like the blotch on the beautiful face. However life is good. nobody can deny it. If somebody begins to hate the life then it is ideal to think of the virtues of life more often. Ultimately what life offers is virtue and goodness. When the mind is turbulent, when there is no hope, when it is realized that no miracle is awaiting thoughts about the virtues of life is highly recommended.

A small green leaf of hope is oscillating somewhere beyond all these troubles and  despair. Beyond this encircling darkness there is an earthern lamp awaiting us. Beyond all these loneliness there is the sweet music of friendships to reach your heart. A smile, a word, a touch.. why do you allow the hopelessness to linger your mind while these things are still there?  We are not alone until these things are not lost fully. We may not have a magic wand to solve all our problems. But we should have a third eye with which we can see the life  lovingly and with surprise or else how can we live this short life without burdens? 

 Sometimes we may realize that life is beautiful only after meeting such people who passed through continuous adversities in life and who found the nadir of hope.

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