Please Shut Up!


Words have the power to comfort and make others happy. But in some situations, it is better to remain silent.

They started their conversation to explain their disagreement over a trivial matter. As the conversation progressed, the tone changed. Voices were raised. One of them was angry and he began to spit abusive words at the other. The other one also shouted in response. The verbal war soon turned into manhandling. Finally, a third one had to intervene to stop their quarrel. But their relationship was never the same again. 

It is true that everyone gets emotional. Whenever others behave or do things you don’t like, or express opinions contrary to your opinion, the conversation slips into disagreement, and verbal abuse, which eventually culminates in a big fight.

In order to avoid such problems, psychologists point out some situations in which silence is required:
Be quiet in situations where you are not in control of your emotions and are experiencing heightened emotional states. You may not know what you are going to blurt out at that moment of emotional overflow…Unless we curb our tongue on such moments, the words we spew at that moment can lead to unwanted consequences.

Be silent to avoid it. Rather take deep breaths when you are in the middle of heated situations and embrace silence rather than words. We should assume constructive silence in those moments.

Psychologists say that this prudent silence is only a temporary pause to respond wisely and calmly later.

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Imagine that two or three friends are slandering about someone who is not with them, or they are criticizing a particular incident. Naturally, there will be a tendency for the individual, who is overhearing the conversation, to join in and give his opinion about the person whom he has not known or heard of. But in such cases, it is necessary to remain silent, according to experts. Because we don’t know enough about the subject or the people they are talking about. The subject and people are discussed there which are almost unknown to us. Be silent in such cases. Also, listen to it as a good listener and learn from it if there is anything new to learn. If you have an opinion regarding this issue, that is not clear, do not speak about it unless you know it very clearly.

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There is a saying, don’t tell untruths. Perhaps what is being said is true. But don’t say it if it hurts someone else. Be silent in such cases as well. Control your tongue if the words you utter can cause pain to another.

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These days, there are many people who don’t want to listen to others. Attentive listening is an art and a skill. A person can be a good listener only if he has a serene mind, patience, and practice. These days people don’t listen but are so eager to speak. When someone starts talking, keep silent and listen to him. Start speaking only when the other one has finished talking.

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