

Remuneration is the reward for doing an act or service with an expectation of getting rewarded. It need not always have to be just a monetary reward. It can be a smile or a heartfelt word of thanks. It can also be loving care and last but not least money.

Remuneration becomes a major problem as wages are paid in money. It is an essential means of sustenance for a person. So, there are no two ways about asking for money as a reward. Because all needs are fulfilled by money. There should not be disputes, grumblings, or arguments on giving the remuneration, because it is a fact that one cannot live without money.

But for some people, money is not the sole reward they want. Because they value other things more than money. Have you not seen or read in dailies about some people who do not accept rewards or money for helping others in need? For them, such acts of kindness are matters of personal happiness. They have a light within them that guides them to do noble acts.

No one can buy them with any amount of reward. Whatever they did was for their happiness. They consider that happiness as their reward. They have received it by the very act of doing good. No other reward will be able to satisfy them.

People dig up a plant or manure a tree with the expectation of getting returns from it. They expect fruits from coconut trees, mango trees, and jack fruit trees… People generally expect fruit from everything. The disappointment they feel when the desired results are not obtained after great toil, manuring, and long waits is not a small thing.

But do parents raise their children expecting any reward? No. It should never be so. They should never expect a reward for raising their kids.
How can children repay their parents? Who can pay the reward for the sacrifices and sufferings of parents from the moment of conception to pregnancy to painful delivery and finally raising them and enabling them to stand on their own feet and fly on their own wings? It is like an unpayable debt.
Every action has a result. Some actions meet with setbacks. The reward is complete when it is received at the right time in the right way.

A man even invests his love in another man or woman expecting love in return. The situation is the same for earning wages from work. Both have the same effect when invested love and work goes unrewarded. They are forced to withdraw empty-handed!

One gives remuneration to a person only when he realizes that the other one’s work is valuable and is worth paying. If you are not properly paid, that means your work is not enough valued by your boss.

One needs to be lucky to be loved enough and paid enough.

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