If we evaluate life objectively, we realize that much of it is a cycle of repetition. Today is a repetition of yesterday, and tomorrow will mirror today. We repeatedly meet the same people, walk...
One of the biggest mistakes people make in life is waiting for others to help them grow. The truth is, no one else will truly uplift you. At best, they might provide some support...
Everyone prefers to do what is easy. However, true success lies not in doing what is easy or enjoyable but in doing what is challenging and unpleasant.
Think of an exam paper with options. We...
1. Ikigai
Discover the purpose of life. This is one way to free yourself from excessive stress. To free the mind from negative thoughts and guide your thoughts and ideas toward meaningfulness, you need to...
Many parents of the current generation struggle to balance family life and work life. As a result, they often feel like failures or become disconnected in their roles as parents. Here are some suggestions...
The word 'comment' is something I first heard in my childhood. When girls used to walk by, it was common for men, who were unrefined and lacked proper education to sit by the wayside...
A boy who became physically disabled due to childhood paralysis had to live as a cripple. During that time, he lived with his grandfather and grandmother. The stories told by his grandmother nurtured a...
Let me share a story. A person, facing a dire financial situation and in need of medical assistance posted a message on Facebook asking for help. The post, almost by coincidence, was seen by...
Sleep at night is not just a natural process, but is largely driven by the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is produced in the body primarily during the night, signaling the body that it is time...
No one has transformed the world overnight - nor can they. The world itself didn’t change in an instant.
A newborn doesn’t leap up and run as soon as it arrives. It learns to walk...
Some angles are beautiful, while others may not be as flattering. This is why the world appears different through the lens of a camera. The same person, the same face - yet in certain...
Many people wait for tomorrow to improve themselves. They also postpone their actions for the future, but the reality is that this 'tomorrow' keeps extending indefinitely. As the saying goes, 'Tomorrow, tomorrow - it...