The Reason Why The Number Of Unmarried Men Is On The Rise


The number of Mr. Brahmacharis (unmarried men) are on the increase all over the world, according to the new statistics. This phenomenon is predominantly seen in North American and European societies. The report of the study organized by the University of Nicosia, in which 6794 men participated, revealed the following reasons for men to remain unmarried.

One of the reasons for men to remain unmarried is their peculiar physical appearance. Eg. Baldness, obesity and colour.

Some men have low self-confidence. They will have low self-esteem too. They do not have the courage to face the conflicts and pressures that are inevitable in a married life. Another reason is their lack of interest in building relationships. They think that they have no capability to attract women. Love failure and bitter experiences from women induce some men to pull back from marriage. Some others do not marry because of their poor financial condition. Yet another people do not enter into wedlock because they never get time to marry. Besides these, factors such as anxiety, shyness and depression keep some men away from marriage.

In certain countries, where men outnumber women, there is a shortage of female population to marry. In some cases, men do not marry because they are unable to find a perfect match. Some other men with low self-esteem think that they are under-achievers with poor mental state and lack of smartness. Such people also shun away from marriage. Yet another set of men are not only scared of women but also do not trust them. These factors prevent them from entering into a healthy relationship with women.
Another major factor why men remain unmarried is their anxieties in sexual matters. Erectile dysfunction has a major role to play here. A person who believes that he cannot satisfy a woman can never get married. Likewise, a man who thinks that he cannot be a good life partner also cannot succeed in marriage.

Some men may not be interested to enter into a covenant or maintain a long-lasting relationship with women. There are some people who have homo-sexual inclinations. There will be only men in the imaginations and dreams of these kind of people. Another kind of people are enslaved to various kinds of addictions like alcoholism and narcotic drugs.

These people also keep themselves away from marriage.  

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