Train the mind to remain young


What is undergoing aging-mind or body? Aging of the body is quite natural. Every year age will increase and accordingly changes will happen to the body. Age related diseases, changes on the skin, changes in the functioning of organs etc. are common.

 But we can retard the aging process of the mind if we have a will for it. Even if the age makes certain markings on the body you can keep the youthfulness of the mind. Here are some tips.

Not for the taste of the tongue;
give priority to the youthfulness of the brain

Most of the people take food for the taste of tongue. To satisfy the tongue if you eat anything without any control you are inflicting harm to the body and the mind at the same time. Give nutrition not to the tongue but to the brain. The food we eat should keep the proper functioning and health of the brain. When the functioning of the brain improves it will give a boost to the body as well as mind. Eat fruits, vegetables and protein rich foods. Fish, olive oil and cereals are to be included in the food. By ensuring the health of the brain you can avert alzheimer’s disease.

Fitness of the body; that of brain too

We do exercise with the sole aim of physical health. But through this we do good to our mind also. While we do exercise the blood circulation to the brain also will increase. New neurons will grow. When the brain functions well our intellect will not be damaged. As said earlier it will avert a possible alzheimer’s disease. Those who cannot do rigorous exercise can engage in simple ones like walking or cycling for thirty minutes. It will ensure the health of the mind.

Give rest to the brain

The rest we give to the brain is sleep. If we don’t get enough sleep it will affect the body and mind alike. It will adversely affect our intelligence. Only if we get enough sleep we will be able to take the right decisions, new ideas will emerge in our mind and creative interventions will become possible. Sleep reduces stress and anxiety. The grown ups need seven to nine ours’ sleep. For the rejuvenation of the brain and to keep the vigor of the mind adequate sleep is to be ensured.

Learn new things

Even in advanced stage of life try to learn new things. By learning new things you are sharpening your brain. Doing puzzles, playing musical instruments, reading, learning a new language etc. will help to keep the health of the brain. As a result you can ensure that you won’t be contracted with alzheimer’s disease. Challenge the brain and mind by undertaking difficult tasks and jobs.

Widen the friendship

Lack of social life will push many a people to premature old age. They are leading a lonely life without any social contacts or friendships. Keeping good friendships and leading a social life will help to sustain the youthfulness of  mind.


Worries and anxieties are prime factors that damage our body and mind. Unnecessary stress will  expedite the aging process and whiten your hair very quickly. Meditation is a solution to this problem. Spend some time for meditation regularly. It will enhance your memory power, sharpen your brain.Don’t forget- aging of the body is out of our control. But we can check the aging of our mind. What will we do if our mind becomes very old?

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