Two Girls  Or Two Boys


People often respond to a news with the headline ‘Two teenage girls committed suicide together’ with vulgar comments. They usually say: “Those girls were lesbians!”

The general public has not yet accepted the reality called homosexuality and lesbianism. Most people are still reluctant to speak about such a relationship overtly. Whether you admit it or not, homosexuality is a reality. Perhaps, such an inclination has been found among the human race from the beginnings. We can find its references in the religious texts, which warns against it.

Homosexual/lesbian relationships occur not because there are no admonitions or that they do not know that it is wrong. It happens somehow. Let those who are involved in such relationships face the consequences.

But, this is not what I am trying to say here. We, who call ourselves modern, are not ready to accept when our son or daughter exhibits homosexual or lesbian traits. Even while people are ready to accept and love children with Down syndrome or physical challenges, they are not ready to accept children with same-sex traits.

If one member in our family or friend circle exhibits same-sex inclinations, we need to extend our support to that person. Because, the internal life of a homosexual is passing through a chain of pressures and conflicts. He/she undergoes a conflict between the reality that he/she is and the established norms of the society. That person may be forced to enter a marital relationship only to please others or to become a part of the society.

Even when he/she forcibly conforms to the norms of the society, his/her mind may not be at peace. We come across many cases in which a same-sex inclined person forced to marry, but live a miserable life unable to express his/her genuine feelings because he/she feels that the society is not going to pay heed to his/her words. Even though in most cases, girls are the prey to such miserable situations, the number of boys is not less either.

Experts put forward many theories about why a person is inclined towards same-sex relationships. Sexual abuse as a child, less chances to be with persons of the other sex, hormone changes, genetic disorders etc.

One thing is sure. Nobody consciously chooses to be a homosexual or lesbian. It happens in some way or other.

We need to be compassionate and humane to those suffering from same-sex inclinations. Never destroy their lives by forcing pressure on them. Instead, conscientize society to be kind towards them.

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