What Adults Can Learn From Children


Often we try to teach children a lot of things. But, seldom do we realize that we also need to learn many things from children. Each child is a book to learn from. Every child has the resource to teach not only each one of us, but the whole world. We will understand this, if we keenly observe them. So, try to see the world through the eyes of a child. Here you have some tips to possess the eyes of a child:

One of the main things that you can learn from children is their effort to obtain what they desire and their ability to forget their failures. This feature is mainly seen in toddlers aged 1-2. Imagine that a child is extending its hands for something, for example a big ball. Although the ball slips away, the child will persistently pursue it. We may be chasing a bigger dream. We are too soon to fall into despair, when our first attempt fails. We might even recede. Look at that toddler! He is still after the ball, although it is bigger for his size. Never give up even if your initial attempts have failed. Persist. Think that, when we were toddlers, we have fallen many times in our attempt to walk.     

Honesty and transparency is another thing that a child teaches you. Children do not hide their feelings. They do not do anything for human respect or appreciation. While we adults try to build relationships with people that match our status and keep people aside labelling them as bad, children approach all without any prejudice. We, who often indulge in hypocrisy and artificiality, must learn from them. So, live a candid life and behave without hypocrisy.

A child hurls itself into the hands of its mother or father even if they are coming all sweaty or dirty from work. Because they are its father and mother. They do not think about their beauty or smell. Consider people irrespective of their status and capabilities. Welcome them as they are with all their limitations. Only then your love will be true.

Children also teach us that we must forgive and love. Even though the father or mother gives the child a slap, when he or she tries to pacify it, how quickly the child forgets its grievance. The child will be smiling with tearful eyes. How many people do we keep away from us because of silly grudges and ego? We often live with vengeance for the past wounds. If only we reflect on this good quality of children, all our grudges and vengeance will melt away.

The greatest realization we have when we become parents is the awareness that our children need us. We think that we are important. We must have been victims to many rejections in life. Your spouse might have spurned you and negated his or her love. Despite all this, it is important to know that your children need you. Even though their marital relationship is broken, couples in the world will still unite for the sake of their children, because they need their parents. 

This is one of the major factors that motivate them to live. This might be the reason why parents are unable to bear when their children renounce them when they are old!  

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