

How many people are living around us with so many wounds.  The wounds can’t be seen from outside because we cover most of them. I remember a wound on my thigh when I was so young that I wore trousers at that time. It was a wound formed from an abscess. Nobody noticed it when I walked or stood still. But when I was sitting it was clearly visible. Certain wounds are like that. Such wounds won’t be easily noticed by others. But those who are close to us will find it out. Even then we pretend that we don’t have any wounds. We cover most of our wounds. It has two reasons- we want to hide it from others and we don’t want to make others uncomfortable by seeing it. It is a fact that most of us turn our face from the wounds on others’ body. We don’t like to see it. Some pitfalls in the personality of an individual is like these wounds. If we analyze that why some people are  not good to others we may find out that it is because of their wounds. Some people pass on their wounds to others because it is an easier way than get the wound healed naturally.  

Wounds on the body can be treated with medicines. But what about the wounds on the mind? Whatever efforts we take to treat it sometimes such wounds will give us pain quite unexpectedly. 

Do not pass the wounds on others. Do not inflict the wounds on others. It is a great boon to have a mind without any wound on it.

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