
 “Better late than never.” This is a tagline I read somewhere; it was a message displayed for drivers. This means that it does not matter if you arrive a little late, drive carefully and reach your destination without any accidents.

This saying seems applicable to those who are chasing certain dreams and goals in life. We cannot always expect to get what we desire immediately. Sometimes it may take a long wait and require a lot of effort and hard work. But do not stop waiting or withdraw from the effort because of it. 
Hope is essential for life. Hard work is important in life. Effort brings success. At least some people give up midway in the face of setbacks and rejections. Hopes end. In some circumstances, some people may not accept us. Many successful individuals have tasted success after many episodes of failures and neglects. They were not instant success. Nevertheless, they toiled and strove without losing confidence. Some doors may take time to open. It may take time to meet some individuals, who may play a vital role in our lives. But don’t despair. Never turn away or give up.

It is always better to wait a little than never able to get it. One is able to taste the real flavor of success and value it from one’s heart only when he or she has waited for a long time to achieve it. So, never shy away from something because of the discouraging comments of others.  Remember that every end is a beginning…

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