
Anxiety and stress are the main villains in the lives of many people. They give rise to several problems. Excessive anxiety not only causes insomnia, but also prevents you from performing your duties well. It also reduces your creativity and adversely affects memory. Grey hair and wrinkles in skin grow with stress. In such situations, being at peace is very essential. It is essential to keep your mind serene and learn stress management. Although a little bit of stress is beneficial for man, excessive stress can cause a lot of problems as enumerated above. So, it is good to follow these tips to put a curb on stress and attain mental peace.


Physical exercises are commonly advised as a means to reduce stress. Feel-good hormones are produced in our body while we do exercise. These hormones enable us to get a good sleep.

Learn to say ‘NO’

Everybody is not fit for every task. So, we need not say ‘yes’ to everything that your colleagues and authorities ask you to do. Say ‘yes’ only to those things which you are confident to do. Say ‘no’ to other things. When you are unable to say ‘no’ and are compelled to do something, you are actually inviting stress into your life. Do not let yourself be forced to do undesirable things.

Observe your diet

Science says that mental health and the food you eat are related. Eating nutrient-rich food will make creative results. A healthy eating habit will help reduce stress. So, include fresh and nutrient-rich food in your diet.

Curtail screen space

There are many people who constantly use computers and smartphones during their office time and at home. Too much internet use that is not a part of your job, is actually an addiction. Moreover, what is shared on social media is often not very good news. These news and information will only serve to increase your stress. Cut down your smartphone and internet use an hour before going to sleep. Let good thoughts fill your mind.

Follow a regular sleep-time-table

Wake up and go to sleep at a regular time. If you are able to have a good sleep, you will be able to get up healthy and fresh. The whole day will be serene and peaceful.

Maintain good relationships

According to a study conducted by Harvard University, maintaining good and deep relationships will help one to lead a conflict-less and harmonious life. Good relationships will make life healthy. So, maintain good relationships.

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