
What is that factor which decides peace and happiness in our life? Do you think it is the material prosperity or absence of problems? Generally in the world, peace and happiness are weighed in material terms. But, the actual foundation of one’s peace and joy depends on how thankful one is. A grateful person will definitely be joyful and peaceful.

Could there be anyone in the world who has never been hurt by the thorn 
of ingratitude? One of the greatest vices in the world is ingratitude. All other 
vices  are  connected to it.

Gratitude is a kind of memory – a living memory of someone who lighted a lamp in one’s life; the memory of an instance when someone held your hand and guided you. People become ungrateful when they lose this memory. If someone’s eyes are welled up or someone is feeling heavy-hearted, that is because they have lost this memory.

Gratitude is not a sweater that can be worn during winter and taken off during summer. It is like sandals one needs to keep wearing while taking each step. For many, gratitude is related to circumstances. They may not recall many fulfilling moments in life.

But, how many moments have passed us which can only be recalled with gratitude? Weren’t they opportunities that could have been thanked in a better way? Every blessing in life is an opportunity to express gratitude.

We cannot thank God unless we have a thankful attitude towards human beings. Love and gratitude for God emanates from our gratitude towards our fellow human beings. None of us are isolated individuals. Our lives are interconnected and mutually dependable. 
In this life, we are indebted to many 

people and we need to be grateful to them. Never forget the term ‘gratitude.’ Gratitude should sparkle in your life like a foamy sea. Express gratitude at every opportunity. Then your life will be full of light. Thank you!

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