Do you do these things?


It is important that you take yourself seriously. So it is essential to find some time each day for your mental and physical health, as everyone lives with stress about many things. These conflicts are likely to throw our personal and family lives into crisis at some point. In such a condition, we cannot go far or for long. A vehicle cannot travel far with a flat tire. We are much more precious and superior than a vehicle. So we have to fulfill certain duties and responsibilities towards ourselves. It’s about becoming a better me.

  • Tell someone what emotions you are going through right now. Better to choose someone to whom you can open your inner world; not your wife or children.
  • Stretch every morning for 20 minutes. Take your breaths correctly.
  •  If you feel so sad that you want to cry, do it! Don’t hold back the tears. Just release it. Because you deserve it in your current state of mind.
  • Write a letter clarifying who the person is; who has pressured you. To whom you feel extremely angry and disgusted. Tell what exactly happened. After writing, take a deep breath. Destroy the paper later.
  • Play with the kids, as one of them.
  • Spend at least 20 minutes under sunlight.
  • At the end of each day, give thanks for all the good experiences up until that point. Be happy that you have been able to implement good decisions. Analyzing an entire day can change perspectives and give rise to new perspectives
  • Re-arrange the room. Sometimes some adjustments can be more fun.
  •  Listen to a song for some time. Good songs that remind you of the old days you used to love so much.
  •  Call a good friend and have a heart-to-heart conversation with him, Go for a walk.
  • Choose every route if possible every day
  • Avoid screen time at least one hour a day
  • Make time for prayer and meditation
  • Find a hobby if you don’t have one
  • Drink more water and eat more fruits and vegetables

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