
The number of couples leading unsatisfied lives are on the increase today. In fact, there may not be any solid reasons for these problems. Mostly trivial problems are the underlying factors. Problems arise when these trivial issues are blown up.

These little problems can be easily solved if only the couple take a step together. But they remain unsolved because the couple do not realize the real problems underlying. How can these problems be detected and solved? How can the old happiness be reclaimed?

Here are some ways:

Find time to sit together

In the hectic schedule of life, couples never get time to sit together or talk. In most families, the husband and the wife would be working. Early in the morning, they begin the preparations for rushing to their workplaces. In the evening, they rush back home. After reaching home, they engage in various household chores. Finally, when they go to sleep, they would be tired in mind and body. They may not have the disposition for romancing or sharing their thoughts and feelings. They just want to fall asleep somehow. When this routine is repeated for many days, a mental distance will arise between them. Their bodies will be close, but their minds will be poles apart.

To avoid this situation, both the husband and wife must find time to spend together. However busy you are, find some time to spend together. Give value to the valuable. What if you gain everything else and ruin your family life?

Talk from the heart

The next thing you have to do after you have sat down together is to talk to each other from the heart. Once you have started talking, ice will start melting between you. Give your children chances to talk and share the experiences they had in their classes. When a cordial ambience is created in the homes where the parents and children can open up, the distances between hearts will be lessened. There will be a return journey to the love that was lost. So, be willing to open up and talk from the heart.

Dine together

If both the parents are working, their mornings will be hectic. Both of them will be leaving home at different times. So, it will not be practical to dine together. Lunch will be separate off course. At least try to have dinner together. Make your dining table a place of love and sharing.

Do not blame each other

Do not find fault with the other when you talk. Avoid warnings and admonishments. Time you spend together is not a time to find fault with the other. It is an occasion to express love and grow in love. So, never spoil it by blaming the other. Do not waste your time on watching TV or browsing the smartphone while you dine.

Engage in entertainments or games

Engage in some sort of games such as carroms, cards and chess. Encourage everyone to participate in the games. Or go out and play some outdoor games like badminton. Go for a walk in the evenings. Relationships will grow and improve through these activities. Go for an outing once a week or once a month.

Give holiday to your smartphone and computer

Once you reach home from your workplace, keep your computer and smartphone aside. Today many couples spend a lot of time on their cellphones. When they spend too much time to talk with those who are away, they scarcely get time to talk to those who are near. People today are living in a virtual world. Come out of it into the world of reality.

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