
Humans are bound together in various ways. They live in a world of many relationships. Nevertheless, not all relationships rise to the level of perfection desired or deserved. Relationships that were initially intense grow cold or abandoned over time. Why is this happening? The problem here is that the persons involved are not able to experience emotional satisfaction. It is mostly seen in friendships and husband-wife relationships. In every relationship, there are certain elements that everyone desires to give and take. If the ratio is right, then such relationships will last for a long time. If not, it will end halfway as stated earlier. Let us see what these factors are?


All human beings desire to be respected and accepted by others.  Usually, it is men who demand this more than women. An officer wants to be honored and respected by all his subordinates. The same applies to being the head of the family. He gets upset when he realizes that he is not respected. Studies show that when men are respected, their self-confidence doubles.


We feel respected only when we feel accepted. The rupture in relationships begin when one realizes that one is constantly being rejected and ignored.  It creates in them the impression that they are not important in the other person’s life. Being introduced to others with joy and interest is a sign of acceptance etc. 


Be able to trust each other. Trust is the foundation of any relationship. Relationships cannot thrive without trust. You can’t talk to someone who doesn’t trust you. Sadness and happiness cannot be shared. It takes a long time to build trust, but it only takes a moment to destroy it.


Individuals in a relationship, should be interested in each other. Interest is the act of helping the other person in his or her various needs and seeking his or her well-being. Illness, failure, losses, etc., happen in everyone’s life. In such situations, emotional support given to the person and sympathy and interest in his/her situation helps in bolstering the relationship. For example, imagine that a close relative of a friend has died. Rush to his help. Help him to get out of that misery. Or imagine that he has achieved a great success. Appreciate him for that and encourage him. Be equally interested in the joys and sorrows of the other person’s life, and express it convincingly.


Mutual attraction is important in any relationship, especially in the relationship between men and women. Attractiveness in a male-female relationship is also related to sexuality. If they don’t feel sexually attracted to each other, their relationship is likely to be weak.


An honest partner is a priceless treasure. A person who has received it will feel more secure. Relationships without honesty will only have a short life span.


This word should be discussed in relation to the family. A person who is committed to families can strengthen family ties. At the same time, it is doubtful whether a person who lives without concern for his spouse, children, or parents can develop deep relationships within or outside the family.

A sense of security

We are more comfortable when we travel with some friends. Because their presence gives us a sense of security. We realize that we are safe. Relationships can flourish if you are able to provide a sense of security to your partner or friend.


If your partner/friend sees you as just one among many, then you need not give more importance to that person than he deserves. On the contrary, if he or she prioritize you, then you can trust and rely on that relationship. Priority marks the nature of relationships.


It is a blessing to be supported and encouraged in all aspects of life. This includes encouraging, recognizing and mentoring. Support each other in relationships.


Appreciate from your heart. Every person wants to hear compliments. Everyone loves to be thanked. Relationships, where there is a willingness to appreciate and express gratitude, will be long lasting.


Touch plays a special role in relationships. I don’t mean sexual touch, but mutual intimacy. Touching, kissing, cuddling… all these things increase the intensity of relationships.


Be each other’s ears. When you are close, be ears instead of lips. It means that you must always be ready to listen. Whether the matter is big or small, be ready to listen… Where there is listening, there is growth in relationships.

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