A Smile Can Change Your Life


Smile is a gift exclusive to mankind. It is inevitable in human relationships. Every smile opens a new door to a deeper love and closeness. Even a smile blooming on the face of a stranger may lead us closer to him or her. We feel closer to a person who keeps a smile on his or her face. Smile is a medicine with the magical powers to melt harshness of heart and lessen the distances.

These are about the general features of a smile. At the same time, most of us are aware of the health benefits of smiling. Laughter clubs are proof for this phenomenon. Here those who do not know to smile or laugh forget themselves and laugh out aloud.

These laughter clubs indicate that the world at large is aware of the concrete and creative benefits of laughter. Programs that evoke laughter have the biggest rating on TV channels. Jokers, who make the audience laugh, are an essential part of the circus. We need to explore the psychology behind the medley of comedy programs telecast at night that raise an uproar of laughter. Hilarious movies have more demand than the sad ones. Because everyone wants to laugh. Laughing or smiling is an external expression of happiness. Let us check what are the health benefits of laughter:
Laughter improves our mood. It raises the standard of our living. It reduces anxiety, depression, tension, fatigue and body ache. Laughter plays a vital role in improved cardiovascular functions in the elderly. Laughter is good for those who have type 2 diabetes and hypertension. 

Certain studies have revealed that those who laugh can sleep for more hours and live longer. A study conducted in Japan states that laughter can solve our limitations. All these things tell us that laughter is a medicine for mental and physical health. And this medicine is free of cost!
A smile or a hearty laughter can greatly relieve a depressed mind. Never lose a chance to laugh out. Smile at others from your heart. You will definitely get the smile back. Thus, moonlight of joy will flow into our lives.

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