
How do we mend a broken relationship? There is only one way for that: Say sorry in a sincere way. Apologize. A heartfelt forgiveness builds new bridges and heals the wounds.

In fact, saying sorry is a difficult task. But, we need to understand one thing. One needs courage to ask forgiveness. Everyone thinks that he/she is a good person. They think that they are always right and have done no wrong. So they are not able to say sorry, which needs an overcoming of their pride.

A sincere act of apology provides a good experience to the one who asks for forgiveness and the one who hears it. It enhances relationships and mutual faith. It relieves stress and improves mental health.

Our brains will become energetic through forgiveness. Psychologists opine that feeling ashamed, clinging to the guilty conscience, sustaining negative actions and incapability to apologize are unhealthy behaviors.

At the same time, they also say that one need not be too quick to say sorry. Apology becomes effective when it is done with ample consideration and reflection. They advise to resist the trigger to express remorse quickly. It takes time to realize the depth of the wounds of the one hurt and to realize one’s mistake. An apology without realizing the wounds is not genuine.

Today there is more than one way to express your remorse. In earlier days, people used to say sorry when they met in person or by writing a letter. Whereas, today we can write a note on WhatsApp, Messenger, Email, or other social media platforms. Do not block someone on social media or other communication means just because you have quarreled with him/her; because by doing so you are actually curtailing their chance to apologize.

There are many people who say sorry in a casual way where sincerity is most often absent, when they have done something wrong. Let ‘sorry’ rise from the heart. Instead of saying “I apologize, I am sorry’, say “I repent for having done this. I am sorry. I will try not to repeat it.” Likewise, your apology must be done with care. It is not enough to say ‘sorry’, but apologize with carefully chosen words.
Never say sorry along with an argument that “I did so because you did this to me.” Use words like “I” and ‘my’ with care and with precision.

When we say sorry, we are actually taking on ourselves all the responsibility for whatever happened. It is the reluctance to take up this responsibility that hinders many from apologizing.

In our daily lives, we use many things that are impaired only after repairing them. We discard only those things that cannot be repaired. It is the same with relationships as well. If a sincere apology helps you to repair something, why should you be reluctant to do so? ‘Sorry’ is a word that repairs relationships. It will make the journey of life smooth like the servicing we do for our vehicles.
Remember that only human beings, and never animals say ‘sorry’.

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