Summer is one condition and winter is another condition. Conditions will change. Part of being practical is to take precautions and survival techniques that suit each  situation.
Even though conditions are different, those who face it and those who go through it are the same. Those who go through the winter season are the same ones who go through the summer.
When winter starts, the windows will be closed and warm coats will be worn. When the summer begins, the windows are opened and the snow coats are kept away. Yes, the situation will change. But reactions to them are different. So don’t blame too much on the circumstances. They are the demands of life. They are inevitable. Some situations will enter our life uninvited. Like the vehicles that come from behi-nd and knock you down even if you  walk carefully.
Aging is a condition. Retirement is a condition. Illness is a condition; childhood, adolescence, and youth are conditions, and death is also a condition.
Situations beyond our control. What can we do with all of them? Can it be resisted and defeated, except to watch with a tearful smile…