Do you lose other’s love?


Some of us may have a wrong notion that all others love us with the same intensity forever. But remember one thing-some people don’t love us as before. There is a drastic change in their attitude. In fact we don’t realize it. However we can’t blame them for this attitude change. We ourselves are responsible for it. They  begin to lose their love only out of our behavior. How it happens? We can find out ourselves. Let us rectify ourselves to regain the lost love of others.

Am I speaking continuously without listening to others?
Without giving opportunity for others to speak am I speaking continuously? It is a clear case of superiority complex. I am the person to speak and you are the one to listen- If you don’t change this behavior others, whoever they may be will lose their love for you.

Solution: Don’t make others only the listeners, instead give them the opportunity to speak. When you become a good listener more and more people will come to you. Then you will be loved by many people. 

Do others find it difficult to give you a smile?
Do others find it difficult to give you a smile or crack a joke with you? When you all sit together have you ever noticed that others don’t give you the consideration as before and the smile they give you is not genuine one? It indicates that they don’t have the real love as before.

Solution: Don’t wait for others to smile. Start smiling at others. Those who find it difficult to come in terms with you will find it as a bridge between the two.

Am I the final word of everything?
Do you always think that whatever others say the final word will be yours in all matters and you alone are right? When you share a room with others or in workplace if you stick on to this mindset  others may averse to befriend with you.

Solution: Give respect to the opinion of others. Even if you are sure that they are wrong, listen to their opinion with utmost patience. Accept the fact that you can also go wrong.

Do you always expect only the positive feedback?
If you expect always the positive feedback and you explode when others criticize you, if you nurse a grudge for others who criticize you, using abusive words at them etc. may repeal others from you. 

Solution: Take the criticism creatively. If you think that there is truth in their criticism be ready to accept it. If you can improve yourselves from the criticism acknowledge it whole heartedly. Don’t run away from criticism.

Do you lose the compassion for others?
It is a good quality to understand others and their  feelings. Compassion or sympathy for others is a reflection of that quality. When you lose the human values you will not entitled to be called a human being.

Solution: Be compassionate to others. Be ready to help others.

Do you judge others very easily?
Do you judge others without studying the matters properly? He is like that…she is like that..Such prejudiced judgments  are not good. 

Solution: Don’t be in a haste to judge others. We don’t know who others are. We don’t know ourselves fully. Then how can we understand others? Don’t hurt others with your prejudiced judgment.

Do you see only the negative side of others?
Without accepting the abilities of others do you have the habit of finding fault with others? Everybody likes to hear only the good opinion about themselves from others.  Then if you look only at the faults of others how can they love you?

Solution: Look at the virtues of others. Don’t hesitate to praise others sincerely. If you want to correct others, without  hurting their sentiments do it with a smiling face.

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