Do You Want To Be A Good Person?


End behaviors that hurt others
Have a pause and think in what all ways I am hurting others? Sometimes it could be by my angry nature and dissatisfaction. It could be my unwillingness to accept, non-cooperative attitude. Find out which of these factors hurt others, and gradually try to reduce them. Think seriously about these self-discovered traits and what you can do to reduce them.

The past may have given us some bitter experiences at times. Bad experiences from the persons whom we trusted such as neglect, cruelty, hunger and disease in the past will remain in the mind. Forgive them all. Be patient with people and events.

Listen to others
Most people are too quick to talk, whether they are at a distance or nearby. Instead, start listening to others. Let others talk.

Be honest and sincere
Smiles on the outside are often not present on the inside. Time and experience will tell whether those who use words beautifully and pretend love are sincere or not. Whatever it is, be sincere in actions and behavior. Be honest.

Be respectful of others
Those who get upset when others stop respecting them do not know that they also need to respect others. Start respecting others instead of insisting that everyone should respect and accept us. Respect for others can be expressed through words and behavior.

Never stop studying 
Don’t stop learning because you have advanced in age. We have so much to learn every day. While we are learning, we are also renewing ourselves.

Be open to change
Accept the changes. Do not ignore new developments because you are not interested or because you do not know. Be ready to adapt to changes. Embrace positive changes. 

Instead of stepping into greater light through the people around you, let those around you step into greater light through you. If are able to be a vehicle for others to see light, that makes your life worth living.

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