Don’t get too close to these people


In our daily life, we are constantly interacting with various kinds of people. Some of them may be our colleagues and friends. But not all people with whom we interact will nurture or help us succeed as good human beings in the future. All individuals have their shortcomings and weaknesses, but if we keep some people in our life, it is more likely to affect our personality and life negatively. Therefore, it is necessary not to be close to such people and not to have heart-to-heart relations. In other words, we should avoid such people not because they are problematic, but because they might become a problem in our life. Following are some of the characteristics of such persons to be avoided.


Some are like the character in the Greek legends, who is never tired of loving his reflection on the mirror. They cannot get out of their love for themselves. They only think about themselves. They assert every moment through their actions and words, that they are the only one who is perfect in this world.


Some people carry slander as a part of life. They are the ones who do not get sleep if they do not blame anyone. If today they slander you about someone else, tomorrow they will slander you too. Don’t encourage or associate with slanderers.

 Lack of self-esteem

Some do not feel good about themselves. Their style is self-deprecating. Self-injurers. Those who are looked down upon. If we establish a relationship with such people, naturally those traits will enter our personality.

 The self-destructive ones

Avoid being friends with people who have habits like overeating, lack of exercise, drinking alcohol, smoking, etc. Sometimes you may start smoking or drinking under their influence, but you may not be able to get out of it later.


Everyone’s lives move forward concerning each other. But some people depend on others too much, even in unnecessary matters. They will have no courage to do anything on their own. This is a negative approach to life.

 Unusual jealousy

There is no one who will feel even a modicum of jealousy. But those who are abnormally and excessively jealous are destructive. They cannot rejoice in other people’s good deeds or success. They are only destructive because of jealousy.


It is a good virtue to be decent, not only in public places but also in personal relations. But some people are just rude. Those who do not hesitate to speak and act without respect for the opposition. Be careful, as their actions may hurt us.


There are a lot of people who take lying as a vow. Those who open their mouth only to lie. Don’t let them get too close.


Some people carry the expression of ‘I’ as a symbol. No one can tell them a thing or correct them. They think that they are the only ones who are right.

 Physically abusive

This is more likely in family relationships. It is estimated that men and women are equally victims of this. Psychologists say that there is no need to continue a long-term relationship with a physically abusive man or woman.

 Emotionally wounded

The pain of physical harm may be forgotten after a few moments. But that is not the case with emotional words. It becomes a permanent scar on the heart. Stay away from those who are constantly verbally and emotionally abusive.


Healthy criticism is good but destructive criticism is not good. Stay away from those who are destructively critical as if they are destroying you.

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