Don’t Tell Anyone About This


There are certain people who do not get peace of mind unless they disclose anything and everything to everyone. They believe that they will never get peace if they do not tell the secrets they know to others. But there are some topics that should never be disclosed to others. When you decide not to share highly personal matters, it will help your personal growth. Besides, we can avoid unfairly judged by others and gain control over our own lives. The Greek school of thought, stoicism, gives certain tips to follow in this regard. Here are the five things that should not be shared with others:

Our fears and insecurities 
Everyone has different kinds of fears and insecurities withing them. There are so many topics like work, health, relationships, age that can be related to one’s insecurity. It is necessary to overcome them wisely, by using our reasoning power. Instead, by disclosing them, they lose the ability to defend themselves and are forced to make some compromises with self-esteem. It will do more harm than good.

Financial resources
You should not disclose your financial status, savings and financial income to others. In our country we are told not to ask for salary and age.

Internal thoughts and reactions
The mind is elusive and beyond our comprehension. Even we do not understand what is going through our mind. So, should you tell others about such things?

Love relationships and friendships
Contemporary young people are proud to tell others about their romantic relationships. There are people who share chats, photos, etc. with their love interest. Such relationships are most private things of your life. Don’t share or boast your intimate experiences with others.

Health matters
Avoid sharing with others your physical activities, health status, and related topics.

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